“The Maze”

A message from the artist: Maddie Dearman

(name meaning: woman from Magdala, mighty in battle; wild/brave/spirited + dearly loved man)

Both “The Invitation: a Prelude to The Maze” and “The Maze” are in depth theological studies of the life and mission of the Savior-Messiah-King, Jesus of Nazareth. “The Invitation” stands a literal invitation to “The Maze,” to invite viewers to come along the journey as I search for the truth about who Jesus is on both the surface-level, as well as what His purpose was during His time on earth. The search for the heart of “The Maze” will reveal that truth. “The Maze” features four distinct pathways: the Gospel according to Matthew, the Gospel according to Mark, the Gospel according to Luke, and the Gospel according to John. Each account gives us a new perspective of Jesus and His mission, with each of these portrayals playing an essential role to depict the overall portrait of Jesus of Nazareth. Within the first few days of studying, I realized the kingdom theme was Jesus’ mission- and I didn’t even realize it! If we could go back to the time of Jesus, we would hear Him proclaiming the coming of God’s kingdom- this was His mission! Upon further studying, I began making connections between the God of Israel and Jesus of Nazareth, and I have begun to conclude: God came among us (humans) in Jesus; Jesus explained God to us, and made a way for us to be in right-standing with God. 

This project as a whole is a proclamation of Jesus’ mission over 2,000 years ago: the kingdom of God is here, but it will not be what anyone is expecting. The kingdom of God is a reversal of our culture’s (and every culture before us + to come after us) value system. Jesus taught about what the kingdom would look like by talking in parables (short stories) and riddles alluding to many hyperlinks between the Old and New Testament. The real Jesus will bother us as humans- He’s just that counterintuitive. Learning about Jesus is humbling in itself; but walking along His journey is mind-blowing. Come and see for yourself!

Each Monday on through the remainder of the quarter will reveal a new extension of each pathway. Please feel free to choose the one which speaks to you the most (there’s a narrative + tone for everyone!), or follow them all! These pathways by no means encompasses every story of each account of the Gospel; however, I have selected key stories from each to depict the character of Jesus and thus, the character of the God of Israel. I hope you will come along with me and search for the heart of who Jesus is and what it means for us today.

PATHWAY ONE: The Gospel according to Matthew

PATHWAY TWO: The Gospel according to Mark

PATHWAY THREE: The Gospel according to Luke

PATHWAY FOUR: The Gospel according to John

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